Eyelets for leather goods, footwear, clothing
CIM Italy offers a wide selection of eyelets for leather goods, footwear and clothing, offering both aesthetic and functional solutions that are highly customisable.
The eyelet element was created in London in 1823 to address the problem of hole wear in footwear, ensuring greater resistance of the string and the hole itself. Starting from a strictly functional application, this element has evolved with unexpected decorative twists.
Today, CIM Italy offers a wide range of eyelets in multiple versions of shape and materials, allowing the customer to customise this item according to their own imagination. We have a wide catalogue with various customisable galvanic finishes, varnishes with the most varied effects, laser etching, coatings, modular eyelets and more. The aim is to allow you to create, starting from a common functional eyelet, a unique and customised accessory.
CIM Italy makes its expertise and its machinery park composed of automatic and manual eyelet machines available to all those who wish to take advantage of our experience in the application.